It may be time to abandon the white paper as a demand generation tactic for B2B sales environments. For many, white papers have outlived their usefulness – because if marketers and sellers are honest with themselves there’s little to show for their investments in time, energy and effort. In short, the ROI just doesn’t add up. It’s time to reassess this (now) age-old marketing ploy. Numerous alternatives have proven to be more effective and economical, one of which is recommended at the conclusion of this “white paper“. Download the whitepaper to read more ().
Curtis, any examples that you can provide to show how this was effective re-allocation of budget?
Gaining access to decision makers sometimes requires me as a sales person to bring an executive from my company. Educating them on the business of my customer is usually the same script and not creative. I feel responsibility to position my management as someone that my customer wants to know, which only helps me with my selling efforts. This approach seems to help “personalize” that relationship beyond the context of white papers this level customer won’t read.