What’s your story?

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world”

Robert McKee

Creating a business plan seems daunting and tedious.  Approach the process as if you were creating a story that aligns and flows strategy, market, organization, and market/financial objectives.

The process begins with deep analysis and understanding the complexity of all factors of product, markets, organization, and capital allocation.  Converting that complexity to a simple and motivating story is the breakthrough that inspires employees,  investors, partners, and future customers.   

Who are we … where are we going … why … how? 

Without clarity and alignment of the planning story, work is disorganized, and people are unable to focus on common goals and shared principles. 

Defining the story is challenging, time-consuming, and assumes that all factors have been considered. Participation and contributions from key team members helps create a clearer story and ensures  buy-in. 

Consider 4 pillars …  part of every business plan story and shaped by your unique ambitions.

  • Aspiration – big audacious strategy and objectives that bind the organization together.
  • People – employees, partners, customers, investors – all rowing in harmony.
  • Arithmetic – amazing how tedious financials come to life, threading growth, profit, and investment.  Budgets, revenue/profit, metrics, and capital required to achieve financial goals are not independent but seamless to the working story.
  • Tactical – operating highlights necessary to achieve aspirational and financial objectives. How all organization elements are interwoven for success.

Competition is too intense, and markets are moving too rapidly to gamble with indecision or lack of clarity in purpose.  We welcome ideas of how you tell your story or bring it to life.  Good luck.

the magis team

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